Family and Friends
Here is where you can keep up with some of the latest on friends and family.
About Me
- Name: Jeff "Chapper" Chapman
- Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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AWARD WINNING IBM | Oracle | CA High Performance Sales & Marketing Strategic Sharp Shooter seeks 21st century executive management teams with a need to aggressively grow revenues. Assisting growth-focused companies design and deploy hyper-effective sales programs. Designing and implementing integrated solution sales and web 2.0 marketing processes that work on auto-pilot. Integrated marketing leveraging contemporary information and communication technologies. Delivering sales process and digital sales & marketing automation for competitive advantage and superior financial results.
Send me an email with your business card particulars, and receive a free 12-minute phone consultation - with me directly - on how today's most innovative, breakthrough, hyper-effective strategies to automate sales & marketing can help you grow your sales to grow your business!
Previous Posts
- A lot has happened in 2 monhs ...
- Skippy the Bunny
- New Year's Eve a BIG DEAL
- Christmas at the In-Laws
- Christmas at home
- Dave and Debbie hosted the annual dinner on Jen's ...
- Christmas Pool Game @ Dave's
- Family
Sunday, October 09, 2005